Chapter 17.1
Afterward: About one month later From: Emma Devlin Subject: Happy New Year! Date: January 01, 2019 10:42 a.m. To: Brandon Devlin (CLT): 10 min 29.39 sec Dearest Brandon, Happy New Year, my darling husband. I’m enclosing many kisses without benefit of the mistletoe. Wait till you see the newest calendar photos. For January, I’m decked out as the New Year’s …

Chapter 16.5
Tom turned toward Brandon, “Brandon, please enable the closed communication session, thanks. After a nod from Brandon, Tom began to greet his friend, “Hi Ty.” Then, popping up to attention and favoring him with a salute, he added, “I mean Commander Cody, Sir! Glad to hear things are under control back home.” He paused for a moment, then continued, “…after …