Chapter 12.1
Monday, November 26, 2018 (Johnday, Aries 28, 0031) From: Jackie Miller Subject: What are you talking about? Date: Aries 28, 0031 05:30 To: Chen Kaiying (CLT): 8 min 6.39 sec Where is Michael and what are you planning to do to him? What the hell is going on and why the hell are you doing this to us? Screw the …

Chapter 11.3
05:15 – Just before bed, Jackie was lounging in the stateroom, casually perusing her email, when up popped a new message from Chen Kaiying, an old teammate and good friend from the ’08 Olympics. This was odd, as Jackie had not heard a peep from Kaiying in more than five years. That was about two years after she moved back …