Jackie is also excited about the prospect of landing on Mars, but in her heart of hearts, she is ready to have the combined genius of Tom, Carl, and Brandon design and build her a transporter, propelling her straight home to Mike’s loving arms. This anxiety is almost more than she can endure. Jackie could topple over and curl up into the fetal position at any moment, if she could only let herself stop pacing long enough to do so. If she knew for sure Mike is all right, it would make everything else a little more tolerable. Then, she would be able to get back to the task at hand: planning her next year and a half stint on Mars.
With her diverse training, Jackie will have a full schedule to fill her time. As a chemist, she will assist both Sally and Carl with the chemical analysis of the planet. In addition, as a physician, she will assist Valerie with medical situations, as well as tend to Valerie herself if the need arises.