Is Sarah looking forward to having a little brother or have they not told her, yet? What is she now, 3 or 4? I never can remember. She’s always been a little sweetheart, like her mother and aunt (meaning you). I wonder if the baby will take after his mom or dad? I remember Nathan telling me about the jokes he used to play on people. He was quite a little terror when he was younger. This ought to be interesting.
Now let’s focus on the next part of your letter. You say you want to dance all night. That’s ok by me. Let’s start with that waltz, then set our selves on fire with a tango, and finish up pulsating to that hard rock by rocking hard. Thrusting together, rocking and a rolling to our own beat is exactly what I dream of every night. But, instead of a lullaby, I want us to drift off in exhaustion after the fireworks (John Phillip Sousa, eat your heart out). You see, I was thinking more like staying in bed for a week. I can’t wait to get you home alone, and then I’m gonna turn you every way but loose. You might not want to be wearing an expensive negligee, because it’ll be in the way and I may shred it with my teeth. With these calluses I’m building up on my hands after reading your letters, my hands might be a little rough. I’m afraid I might cause bruises, though you know I’d never intentionally hurt you. It’s just that it’s been so long and I may hold on a bit too hard. ROFL
Loving and missing you more than I can say (in print at least). When I come home, I’ll let my hands and lips do the talking.
I’ll write more, later.
Something just came up I need to deal with. Hee hee
< ≡ ♂ ≡ >