Speaking of our prodigal son, he called today. Rich was excited and thinks he will get into the same fraternity as you were in. He said one of his instructors was asking some questions about you, not knowing he is your son. I’m sure he’ll be emailing you about it.
Whoops, I almost forgot to pass on some more good news. Laura and Nathan got to hear the baby’s heartbeat, yesterday. She emailed the ultrasound images to me. It’s amazing how much detail you can see. The baby appeared to be sucking its thumb – such a sweet sight. To think, my younger sister is going to have her second child before I will. (Hint, hint)
Well, it’s getting late and I should get ready to head off to work. I hope you are sleeping ok. I’ve had some rough nights. Many times, I wake up and miss your warmth next to me. It’s hard getting used to being alone at night. But, I’ll survive. Sleep tight and don’t let those bedbugs bite. I hear there’s an epidemic. LOL
Always know that you are in my dreams and I can’t wait until you are in my arms,
PS, HOLLAND forever
< ≡ ♂ ≡ >