As this process went along, I began emailing out copies of chapters to friends, soliciting their opinion of the story. Unfortunately, as we all have real lives to lead, not everyone had time to read through it or just didn’t find time to comment. For those that endured the rough draft (rough being the operative word) and provided commentary and constructive input, I wish to thank the following readers, in no particular order: Margean Gladysz, Jay Ball, Mike Coppens, Richard Salassi, Tom Smith, Mary Anne Anderson, Tracy Black Smith, Kerrisha Havens, Ilagene Moss, Andy Weller, and Michelle Jones. Thank you, one and all, for your valuable assistance.
And last, but by no means least, I wish to thank you, the reader. Without your interest, this novel would just be collecting dust. I am sure you will find as much enjoyment in reading this book as I had in the creation and writing. Ad Astra (To the stars).
Lon H. Grover