Rich says he’s having a great time in India. I was able to talk with him on Skype the other day. He carried his computer around his hotel room and showed me the fancy decorative plaster. He was lucky to get a private bathroom. It was up a small stairs at the side of the room because they were added on to the old buildings. I’m waiting for him to send his blog address so that I can check out the photos.
A friend recommended that he ride the bus to get around, as that would be the only way to really understand the country. So, that’s what he’s planning to do. Rich said the residents take chickens on the busses and such and he’s looking forward to touring in this way with his group. He’s so funny sometimes (kind of like his dad). Can’t wait to see the pictures and read about his many adventures.
Speaking of (mis)adventures, I’m still very thankful that everything came out ok after all of what happened on Mars and here on Earth. I got a call from Ty the other day and he filled me in on some of the details you couldn’t put in your letters. So much of it was almost unreal. Sweetheart, I’m going to be very, very happy when you are on your way home to me. You’re constantly in my thoughts and my heart. I miss you so much that I ache. The calendar can be a reminder of what else, besides my love, is waiting for you. Hurry back, my darling.
Well, I better get off that subject and on to happier thoughts. I have some errands to run so will head out and about. In a couple of weeks I may go and visit my sister and get another baby fix. He’s adorable, loves his Auntie, and his baby kisses are almost as sweet as yours. I’ll send more snaps of the baby. You’ll see how big he’s getting and how much he resembles his daddy. Talk to you soon.
I love you bunches,
Your M
Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies (HOLLAND)
< ≡ ♂ ≡ >