From: Brandon Devlin
Subject: Resting Up
Date: Pisces 34, 0031 20:40
To: Emma Devlin
(CLT): 4 min 47.34 sec
My Darling M,
It’s startling how much alike some of us are on the ship. Ty and Claire were so deeply in love with one another. Just like Tom and Penny, and you and I. I don’t know if I could ever cope with losing you in such a violent way, or in any way come to think of it. Just the thought of being without my wife and soul mate makes me feel short of breath, as if the air has been knocked out of my lungs. But, Ty is starting to come around and crawl out of that black hole called grief. It’s been a long slow process for him.
After Penny’s death, I think Tom would have lost it too, if it hadn’t been for Ty. The two of them have been going through a sort of one-on-one ‘group counseling’ via their email exchanges. He and Ty have both started opening up to each other, at least. So that shows they are trying to accept what has happened and move forward.
You know it’s really hard being someone’s closest friend when you are literally millions of miles away. It’s so frustrating! We’ve always been close, our line of work and the possibility of death from so many ways creates a bond. Words can’t always describe just what it is we want to say. Well, I guess I’d better change the subject now or I’m the one that’s gonna be needing counseling.
So, Laura is having a boy. That’s super. I can just see Nathan bouncing around with excitement. I hope they don’t name him something like Nathan Montgomery II, though I suppose there are worse names. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if they named him after me? Brandon Montgomery, that has a nice ring to it. LOL