Did you miss me?
Isn’t it great that we’re able to stay in contact this way? Valerie told me she remembers when Tim Creamer worked with flight controllers, setting up an Internet interface from a laptop onboard the ISS to see a desktop computer at Mission Control. Before that, we could send email, just not Internet email, as we know it. Pre-Internet email had to be copied and re-sent by someone at Mission Control.
I think she said it was on January 22, 2010, that Tim sent the first tweet from space, which said, “Hello Twitterverse!” They didn’t invent anything new, but those words might rank right up there with “Watson, come in here!” We can still use the Twitters, even though that’s for the birds now days. (Speaking of birds, I had to delete all of those Angry Birds games from my laptop. They’re too addicting and I don’t get any work done. Plus, here I can play Angry Birds Space without my iPad, he he.) Besides, if I do need a distraction for a few minutes, I can always do a Sudoku or play Mahjong. Those are a couple of my favorite apps.
We can also Skype each other for a couple more days. It’ll be nice to see your beautiful smile for a while longer. Unfortunately, after that, the time lag will get annoying. The further away we get, the longer it will take for a normal conversation. In a week, it’ll be worse than a dial-up connection. (ha, ha) Tomorrow, after I’ve had some sleep, I’ll give you a call to see if you’ve gotten back home. Otherwise, I’ll email ya a ‘hello’.
I already have a few dozen e-books downloaded on my beat-up Nook to read. So I think that’s how I’m going to spend my next few hours/weeks/months. Going to clear my mind and relax a bit before rustling up some dinner. While I’m upstairs, on the HP deck, I also have another dozen or so audio-books I can listen to.